Friday, November 2, 2007

New Courses for Next Semester

For the 2008 spring semester, I would like to take either New Testament or History of Christianity: Origins to the Reformation. I suppose I will have the chance to take both if I minor in Religious Studies.

New Testament Course Description:
This class teaches the history and philosophical concepts in the New Testament.

History of Christianity: Origins to the Reformation Course Description:
“History of Christian doctrine, ecclesiastical organization, and religious practice, origins through Reformation, with emphasis on religion and society; life and teachings of Jesus; apostolic church; patristic period; Christianization of Roman Empire and northern Europe; monasticism; medieval church; Gregorian reform; heresy; papal monarchy; schism and conciliarism; reformations of the sixteenth century.”

Because I am hoping to find a career in the ministry field, I feel that these courses will enlighten me and help me learn so much about the topics that will someday be my job. I will build on knowledge that I have gained from church sermons, Breakaway messages, Campus Crusade for Christ meetings, and from different trips such as Dallas Winter Conference and multiple church camps. I realize that these classes will not be anything like church, but I will be learning about the Bible and Christianity in a whole new way: the history of the New Testament and Christianity, concepts related to each, and religion. Many people who are not active Christians do not realize that Christianity is much more than religion; it is a lifestyle, a relationship with the one true God. They get bogged down by dos and don’ts and miss out on what being a Christian really is. It will be interesting to see how the professors approach these subjects.
I am hoping to minor in religious studies and theses classes will be the first of my 18 hours for my minor. Taking a class and learning about the Bible and Christianity will be extremely exciting for me. I am really looking forward to next semester!

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